Today's Fresh Tuna Fish!– UltimViva Fishing Tackle
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Today's Fresh Tuna Fish!

 After a day of fishing, this is a moment of celebration! 

How Much Tuna Is Safe to Eat

Benefits of Eating Tuna

Is eating tuna everyday a bad thing

tuna sushi

Tuna is one of the best protein sources that you can include occasionally in your diet. But can someone eat it every day? Well, it’s a question that has been plaguing many tuna lovers. The answer is no; you should know some essential things before eating tuna.

Tunas have many health benefits, but they are associated with weight gain and getting traces of mercury on a negative account.

Nearly all marine animals contain mercury, but many food nutritionists don’t know what levels it becomes poisonous to human bodies. Mercury can lead to certain negative health issues, including:

  • Affect maturity of unborn babies in pregnant women.
  • It can result in injuries in the brain, kidneys, and heart.

It is vital for human adults should eat tuna in moderation.

Whereas tuna and other kinds of seafood are rich in nutrients, low in fat content, and high in proteins, one may worry, how much should I consume?

Generally, this is because people are more concerned that their bodies cholesterol levels and blood pressure will rise when they consume tuna daily. Whereas this can be true, the benefits of consuming tunas outweigh the risks associated with them.

The recommended amount one should eat is 2 servings (12 ounces) in low mercury tuna fish per week. To consume tuna with high levels of mercury such as albacore, bigeye, and ahi tuna should be one serving a week. Amazingly if you are a fish fan, you can stick to other fish species and have more than you can think.

What Happens If You Eat Too Much Tuna?

Overeating tuna makes one susceptible to high mercury levels. Mercury is a neurotoxic element and may result in the following problems in human bodies.

  • Memory loss
  • Numbness
  • Poor eyesight

Pregnant women and young children are more susceptible to fish with mercury than other adults. Therefore, the general recommendation for such people is to have small uptakes of both cooked and canned tuna.

Large predators like ahi tuna, bigeye, and albacore have a very high mercury concentration since they feed on other small fish. Feeding on such fish increases your mercury exposure.

How Much Tuna Can You Eat In A Week?

Fish are essentially rich in vital nutrients and proteins, which are suitable for our health. Some of the benefits associated with eating tuna includes.

  • Lowers risk of obesity
  • Reduces possibility of a heart attack.
  • It reduces the chances of hypertension.

One may encounter the following types of tuna. Each of these has a different weekly recommendation.

Light tuna

It is low in mercury which is estimated at 0.12 parts per million. Mature men and women can eat 14.5 and 12.5 ounces of light tuna per week, respectively. Pregnant women are advised not to consume tuna until after the weaning period.

Albacore tuna

Albacore tuna feeds on other small fishes; it is at a higher trophic level; hence its mercury content is more than light tuna. Men should limit their average weekly consumption to 5 ounces per week, while women should consume 4 ounces per week. Pregnant women should not consume albacore tuna.

Tuna steaks.

Tuna steaks have the highest omega 3 contents. They are also high in mercury content. The average recommendation to adult men and women is 6 ounces per week.

Skipjack tuna

They are low in mercury content. The amount of mercury is similar to that of light tuna. Recommended weekly uptake is 14.5 ounces.

Yellowfin tuna

It has the same mercury concentration as the albacore tuna. People should limit their weekly consumption to 5 ounces.

In conclusion, consider the concentration of mercury before deciding on which type of tuna to eat.


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